안숙선/ 안옥선 - 가야금병창 제 1집

  • Retail Price : $5.25
  • Discount Price : $4.16
  • Member Price : Extra 20% Off!!
  • Brand : 수도미디어
  • Release Date : 2001-11-20
  • Shipping Type : International Shipping
  • Shipping Method : Choose between EMS/DHL/FedEx and Small Packets
  • Shipping Cost : EMS/DHL/FedEx cost (Default)
  • 運費 運費
  • Media : CD
  • Quantity : +1 -1
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남원 산성
골패 타령
풍년 노래
님 그리는 밤
복숭아 꽃
동백꽃 타령
천안 삼거리
진도 아리랑
어야 디야
강강 수월래
까투리 타령

안숙선은 전북 남원에서 태어난 판소리 여성 명창이다. 1997년에 중요무형문화재 제23호 가야금산조 및 병창 보유자로 인정되었다. 김소희·박귀희·정광수·박봉술·성우향 등 당대 최고의 명창들에게 판소리 5바탕과 가야금병창을 사사했다.
그녀는 국립창극단과 국립국악원 민속악단의 예술감독을 역임하였으며, 한국예술종합학교에서 교수로 재직하기도 했다. 옥관문화훈장, 프랑스 문화부 예술문화훈장, 허규 예술상, 방일영상 등을 수상하였으며, 판소리·창극·가야금병창·퓨전음악 등 다양한 분야에서 활약하고 있다.

About Poster & Poster Tube

● We can present poster with your product marked 'poster' behind the product's name.

● If you choose the EMS(DHL) delivery method, We are shipping poster rolled with poster tube automatically.

● But if you choose the Small Packets delivery method, the poster will be foleded.

● Poster Tube is NOT applicable for Small Packets shipping because of its size.


Shipping costs are automatically calculated based on shipping area, shipping method, and weight of the items.

Delivery Time :

Small Packets Delivery Time via K-Packet service
Area Average Delivery Time
Asia 6 ~ 10 business days
Oceania 7 ~ 12 business days
North America 9 ~ 14 business days
Europe 7 ~ 14 business days
Middle East 9 ~ 15 business days
South America 10 ~ 20 business days
Africa 15 ~ 25 business days
EMS(or DHL) Delivery Time
Area Average Delivery Time
All Countries 3 ~ 5 business days

* In the tables, the delivery time of EMS(or DHL) and Small Packets is based on the arrival of major cities in the destination country.

* The actual delivery time can be lengthened or shortened according to the customs clearance and shipping schedule of the destination country.

Small Packets has a weight (Below 2kg) limit.

EMS(DHL) and Small Packets shipping have got a tracking number during delivery. Musickorea would recommend EMS(DHL) shipping as it is faster and safer in delivery.

● Musickorea will take several consideration and has the the right to choose the shipping company (EMS or DHL). Customers are not able to choose the shipping company.

The recipient will be held responsible for international shipments which may be subject to import duties and taxes.

Packing Image